Effective. Safe. Value-Driven. Guaranteed.

Thousands of New Jersey customers recommend us because we guarantee our methods are the most thorough you have ever experienced.

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Why New Jersey Homeowners choose us


We keep pests from coming back, guaranteed.


Solve your pest control problems without breaking the bank.


With us, your family's health and safety comes first.

our personal guarantee to you

We guarantee our pest control methods are the most thorough you have ever experienced or we will treat your home or business again for FREE! If you are still not satisfied for any reason, we will refund your last payment.

Residential Service Plans

We don't just remove pests
- we keep them from coming back!

Cowleys Pest Services offers 4 levels of residential service plans designed to meet the needs of homeowners. Each plan includes 3 proactive perimeter treatments in the Spring, Summer and Fall, indoor treatments as needed and unlimited service calls during your covered plan period. Choose the level of protection that works best for your home.

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Commercial Pest Services

Experience and expertise you can count!

Our New Jersey Commercial Pest Management System is a six step program designed by Cowleys Pest Services from years of experience servicing a diverse commercial customer base. This proven approach maximizes effectiveness and minimizes chemical treatment and exposure. We serve the following commercial industries:

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Pleasant, courteous and prompt service with top notch results.

Judy from Toms River, NJ

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Recent Case Study

Hornets nest in Fair Haven, NJ

Hornets Nest Removal in Fair Haven

During the summer, Cowleys gets calls for a wide variety of stinging insects including bees and wasps. In this case at a home in Fair Haven, NJ, became the new home to hornets that had made themselves a huge nest underneath a light hanging above the homeowners balcony.

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