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Products & Services
Pest Control Services
Local Termite Treatment
Carpenter Ant Control
Bed Bug Extermination
Rodent Control
Ant Control and Extermination
Cockroach Extermination
Flies and Bee Control
Spiders and Bug Control
Stinkbug Services
Beetle and Flea Control
Tick Control Services
Gutter Guards
Crawl Space Vapor Barriers
Attic Insulation
Company Awards
Cowleys Receives the Golden Osprey Award for Business Excellence
We are incredibly honored to receive the Golden Osprey Award from the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce for the Business... [Read more]
Cowleys Voted Best Places to Work in n NJ for a Second Year in a Row
We are honored to be named to the 2022 Best Places to Work in New Jersey list by NJBIZ magazine... [Read more]
Cowleys Wins Asbury Park Press's 2021 Best of the Best Community Choice Awards for Monmouth County!
Cowleys Services has been voted Monmouth County's BEST of the BEST 2021 Pest Control Provider by the Asbury Park Press!... [Read more]
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Pest Removal & Attic Insulation Experts Serving Manchester Township, NJ

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Pest Control & Home Repair Professional in Manchester Township

Cowleys Pest Services is Manchester Township, NJ's leading pest control and home repair contractor, offering a wide variety of services to keep your home healthy, efficient, and safe. We employ a customer-first philosophy when it comes to running our business, so you know you're getting only the best when you partner with us. We are committed to providing affordable, safe, and effective solutions for all your pest control and home repair needs.

Reliable services by Cowleys Pest Services:

  • Pest Control
  • Commercial Pest Services
  • Wildlife Removal
  • Bird Control Services
  • RainDrop Gutter Guards
  • Attic Insulation
  • Crawl Space Encapsulation
  • And more!

Ready to get started on your pest control or home repair project? Contact Cowleys Pest Services today at 1-732-781-0084 or click below to schedule a free, no-obligation estimate in Manchester Township and nearby.

Trusted Pest Control Company Proudly Serving Manchester Township

Have you been dealing with termites, cockroaches, or bed bugs in your Manchester Township home? At Cowleys Pest Services, we understand how unsettling it can be to discover that you have a pest problem. That's why our team works quickly to resolve your pest problem, using only the best pest control solutions in the industry. We've been helping homeowners remove pests since 1991, so we have the experience, solutions, and determination to fix your problem once and for all.

Pests we treat:

  • Bed bugs
  • Ants
  • Bees & wasps
  • Cockroaches
  • Flies
  • Mosquitoes
  • Rodents
  • And more!

Manchester Township Crawl Space Encapsulation Services

One way that pests can make their way into your home is through your crawl space. An unsealed crawl space also lets in moisture, leading to structural damage and mold and mildew growth. Structural damage results in uneven interior floors, which can become hazardous if not resolved. Mold and mildew growth can lead to increased asthma and allergy symptoms for you and your loved ones. Fortunately, Cowleys Pest Services offers a complete crawl space encapsulation system to keep your crawl space and the rest of your home dry, safe, structurally sound, and healthy.

Our crawl space encapsulation products:

  • Vapor barriers
  • Crawl space access doors
  • Crawl space insulation
  • Sump pumps
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Crawl space vent covers

Keep pests out and prevent structural damage with crawl space encapsulation by Cowleys Pest Services! Get in touch with us today at 1-732-781-0084 or fill out our online form to schedule a free crawl space encapsulation estimate in Manchester Township and nearby.

Case Studies From Manchester Township
An owner of a health care facility in Whiting, NJ contacted our office after one of her workers had reported seeing large amounts of flies in the...
As this homeowner in Holmdel, NJ was pruning her garden, she saw a groundhog run across her yard and burrow underneath her deck. She immediately...
One of Cowleys regular customers in Holmdel, NJ was suddenly having issues with dark-eyed fruit flies throughout his restaurant. Dark-eyed fruit...
Job Stories From Manchester Township, NJ
Hole in the Soffit Provides an Opening for Squirrels in Manchester Township, NJ

After spotting a squirrel roaming around his attic, this customer in Manchester Township, NJ contacted Little Rascals for help and we were sent out. When we arrived, the first thing we did was inspect the exterior of the home to determine the point of entry. Minutes into our investigation, we found it. An almost perfect circular hole in the soffit. We mentioned what we found to the owner and he had said that he recently moved the downspout and left that hole there. He had plans to fix it, but never got around to it. Well, this was sending an open invitation to the squirrel and it moved right into his home!

As a temporary solution, we installed a one-way device over the access point, enclosed the area with hardware cloth, and then installed several baited devices. The one-way will allow the squirrel to safely leave the area, but prevent it from getting back in the same way. A short while after setting up our devices, we safely retrieved the squirrel!

We then took it to a new, humane location and disinfected the attic. Lastly, we fashioned a piece of sturdy metal flashing and installed it over the access point. That way, no other nuisance wildlife can gain access into the home through this area.

Hole in the Soffit Provides an Opening for Squirrels in Manchester Township, NJ - Photo 1
Pot of Grease Attracting Fruit Flies in Manchester, NJ

Recently, we treated an apartment in Manchester, NJ for fruit flies. Once we arrived, we found them all over the kitchen. During our inspection, we found several dirty dishes in the sink and a pan on the stove that was loaded with grease. These sanitation issues is what caused the fruit fly infestation. 

Turns out that the tenant of this apartment just up and left one day, leaving behind a big mess. We brought up these sanitation issues to the landlord and she immediately removed all the dirty dishes and started cleaning the apartment from top to bottom. While she was doing that, we treated each one of the drains in the kitchen and, as a precaution, the bathroom drains with a liquid application and then scrubbed them out with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush.

Once we finished with that, we applied a bio-foam solution in all the drains. The bio-foam application is going to remove all the organic build-up, odors, and scum in the drains. Next, we installed several fruit fly traps in the high infestation areas. The attractant in the traps draws the fruit flies close and the bait inside the traps exterminates them within moments of contact. Lastly, we scheduled several follow-up visits to monitor the fruit fly activity and, if needed, apply any additional treatments.

Pot of Grease Attracting Fruit Flies in Manchester, NJ - Photo 1Pot of Grease Attracting Fruit Flies in Manchester, NJ - Photo 2
Exterminators in Manchester Township, NJ

Recently, I went on a service call in Manchester Township, NJ for a homeowner who contacted Cowleys after his daughter spotted hornets outside her second story window. I arrived and began a thorough inspection of the entire property. Within minutes, I found the hornets' nest. I also noticed a few hornets circling around the nest. Upon a closer examination of the nest, I was able to identify these stinging-insects as bald-faced hornets. 

The bald-faced hornet is a relative of the yellowjacket and gets its name from its largely black color and mostly white face. This stinging insect is named a hornet because of its large size and aerial nest. A bald-faced hornet infestation is clearly visible with the presence of a nest, which would be suspended above the ground. There will also be worker bald-faced hornets flying around the nest and nearby area if there is an infestation. They are EXTREMELY aggressive and will not hesitate to sting anything that invades their space.

First, using my extension pole, I applied a direct contact solution to the nest and then safely removed it. Then, to prevent the bald-faced hornets from rebuilding their nest, I applied a liquid residual along the soffit area. This residual is undetectable to the hornets and once they come in contact with it, they’ll be eliminated. Now, the homeowner's daughter does not need to live in fear of the hornets that were hovering around her bedroom window.

Exterminators in Manchester Township, NJ - Photo 1
Yellow citronella ants found in Manchester Township, NJ

During my inspection of an exterior rodent station of one of the residential communities we service in Manchester Township, NJ, I came across a large colony of yellow ants. These ants are also known as citronella ants because they emit a citronella (lemony) odor when threatened or crushed. These subterranean insects feed almost exclusively on honeydew, a sweet material obtained from aphids or mealybugs that feed on roots. As such, they rarely invade homes and like like odorous house ants or wood-boring carpenter ants. These ants, which are very common in New Jersey, nest outdoors, often next to foundations or under slabs. However, homeowners still can find stray foraging yellow ants inside their home. These tunneling ants take the path of least resistance, and they can easily wind up inside homes through gaps or cracks in foundations, door sills, and cellar window frames or through gaps around piping like water pipes.  

The flying reproductive swarmers in the fall (in fact, these ants are sometimes called fall flying ants) are frequently confused with more serious termite swarms. Although most termite swarms happen in the spring, there is one species of subterranean termite in NJ that swarms in the fall about the same time as citronella ants. (Although citronella swarms often occur in the fall, they can happen at other times of the year, including late summer and late winter/early spring.) These flying ants can vary in color from light yellow to a dark reddish yellow or reddish brown. There are a few ways to tell the difference between flying ants and flying termites based on their antennae, wings, and overall body shape. However, the safest bet for homeowners is to not guess and have a pest control professional come out and definitively determine what insect you are dealing with. If you do happen to have a termite swarm, immediate treatment is necessary. If you have a termite swarm, there is an underground nest nearby that needs to be eliminated. 

Yellow (citronella) ants are considered nuisance pests. They form exceptionally large colonies and, besides having foraging ants find their way into your home, they push soil through cracks in foundations and slabs with their underground tunneling activities creating an unsightly mess. Also, it is a frightening experience to witness an ant swarm in your basement or living space, giving homeowners a “termite swarm” scare (when it comes to insects, we generally assume the worst). Flying reproductive ants can also congregate on the side of your house in large numbers.


Even though these ants had not yet entered the home, I did not want to take any chances.The ants were too close to the structure for comfort. I treated the ant mounds (which is the excavated dirt from their tunneling activities) with a residual product that will be carried by the foraging ants back to the nest to be shared with the rest of the colony. Soon, this queen and the rest of the ant colony will be eliminated — before any foraging yellow ants manage to find their way into the home.  

Yellow citronella ants found in Manchester Township, NJ - Photo 1
Unexpected mantis surprises tech in Manchester, NJ

While performing a termite treatment to a home in Manchester Township, NJ, I was greeted by an unexpected guest that popped up out of nowhere as if he wanted to help me out. This surprise visitor was one of the most beautiful and interesting insects that pest control technician ever comes across when he’s out in the field. I’m talking about the Praying Mantis. These insects, with their triangular head and stem-like thorax, are deadly hunters. They are naturally well-camouflaged, with coloring and a shape that make them look like leaves or branches, seamlessly blending in with their surroundings. A mantis scans for prey and for animals like bats and spiders who eat them. And these insects can see! They not only do they have two large compound eyes, but they also have three simple eyes located between them.

The closest insect relatives of mantises that we commonly run across are true pests to humans are cockroaches and termites. Unlike their cousins, however, mantises are not considered nuisance pests. In fact, two species, the Chinese mantis and the European mantis, were deliberately introduced to North America to serve as pest controls for agriculture.  They have since spread widely, and today, they can be found in almost every state, including right here in New Jersey.  

Mantises normally live for about a year. In cooler climates, the females lay their eggs in autumn and die soon thereafter. The eggs, which are protected by their hard capsules, hatch in the spring. Many gardeners, especially those who have organic gardens and stay away from chemicals, encourage mantis populations to help control insect pests. Mantises are mostly ambush predators lying in wait for prey to come to them, but there are a few ground-dwelling species that actively pursue their prey. However, they are far from perfect. In actuality, they have negligible value as biological control agents. First, they are general predators. they pretty much eat whatever they can catch. A mantis is a carnivore that eats a wide variety of insects and even small animals like frogs and lizards. Good biological control agents specialize in a single pest insect. Also,  they do not multiply rapidly in response to an increase in a prey species.  

When treating a home, I focus only on the harmful insects like termites that are capable of causing extensive property damage. I leave the beneficial ones like this praying mantis alone. Not all insects are “bad.” Like the Praying Mantis, some insects support us in knocking down harmful pest populations. We should do everything we can to encourage them to thrive.   

If you look closely at the photo, you can even see him staring me down. It’s pretty clear, that this guy isn’t afraid of anything — including me!




Unexpected mantis surprises tech in Manchester, NJ - Photo 1
Bat inspection in Manchester Township, NJ

We recently received a call from a homeowner in Manchester Township, NJ for a bat infestation. Most bats are insectivores; they live on a diet of insects, mostly mosquitoes, moths, winged ants, and other pests. Very few bats bite mammals for blood, and of those that do, none live in the United States. Bats have an undeserved bad reputation. They are actually beneficial in keeping down insect populations. However, you don’t want to get up close and personal with a bat in a small enclosed area. They will bite if threatened, and these mammals are known carriers of rabies. 

When we get a call to deal with a bat infestation, inspecting for bats that have taken up residence in a home is not what most people expect. Many think that we simply just go into the attic and look for bats. If only it were that easy! Bats are nocturnal creatures. They do their foraging for food at night. During the day, while they are in the attic, they are sleeping. They crawl up into tight crevices between rafters and trusses and stay hidden away. Unless there is a heavy infestation, we rarely see the bats themselves during our inspection. However, we do see bat guano (droppings) in the attic, but even that isn’t especially helpful other than telling us that bats have been there. It is difficult to tell how recent the bat droppings are and they don’t tell us how and where they are entering the home. Rather, for bat inspections, most of the evidence is found outside of the home. The bats we have in New Jersey are small and they can get into attics with openings as small as 1/2”. Of course, bats follow the path of least resistance, and if there is a larger hole, you can rest assured that bats will take advantage of it if they are looking for a way inside.

What really helps us during a bat inspection is their behavior. Bats are creatures of habit. They will use the same access point to go in and out every time. As I mentioned, the bats need to leave the attic at night to forage for food, and they return to use the attic to sleep during the day. Bats are mammals, and they have oils int heir skin, just like us. When bats squeeze through an opening the oils rub off along the edges of the entry point. This brownish ring is a clear sign that bats are using this gap or crack to find their way inside, and once you find this ring, you have positive proof as to where the bats are gaining entrance to their way inside. Also, another confirmation sign for bat entry is guano. There will usually be guano just below the hole stuck to the home’s siding as well as on the ground immediately below the hole. 

Bat inspection in Manchester Township, NJ - Photo 1