Wildlife Removal Photo Album: While Rennovations are Paused, Raccoons Take Advantage in Freehold, NJ
This homeowner in Freehold, NJ decided to pause the renovations on his property till after the holiday season. This lead to raccoons taking up residency in the attic.
Multiple Raccoon Access Points
All these unfinished areas of the garage are perfect access points for raccoons to utilize.
Raccoon Damage
You can see the damage that was done by the raccoons. We also found raccoon hair in several areas.
An Odd Situation
We informed the homeowner that we can safely remove the raccoons, but in order to prevent future intrusions, the renovations must be completed (we even offered to seal up the access points with our material to assist the homeowner). The homeowner passed as he did not want to complete the renovations for another 2 months!
A Creative Solution
Since trapping wouldn't be worthwhile until the renovations are completed, we came up with another solution, Critter Pricker spikes!
Wildlife Critter Control
Critter Pricker is a patented, humane, and cost-effective prevention tool for raccoons and other nuisance wildlife. It is made of strong polypropylene plastic and the interlocking snap and hook design strips can be connected side by side and end to end, covering all unwanted areas.
Deters the Raccoon
Once the raccoon touches the Critter Pricker, the uncomfortable feel of the pointed spikes deters it. This an effective solution until the renovations are completed.