Pests We Treat - Spiders love corners in this Barnegat Light, NJ home

Spiders can show up anywhere in your home, often when you least expect them. For those who have outright phobias of spiders, coming across one is no joke. It can be a frightening, traumatic experience. Why don’t these creepy spiders just stay outside? One reason they like to come inside our homes is because their webs are delicate. Spiders look to build their webs in quiet, private places, often in the corners of rooms, where they are protected from the outdoor elements. What better place to build a web than inside a structure free from wind and rain. With an indoor web, all the spider need to do is patiently wait for an unsuspecting insect to get stuck in its little trap, and it’s dinner time!

Recently, I was sent to a home in Barnegat Light, NJ. This homeowner found a clutter of spiders nesting behind an umbrella in the corner of the mud room that was not used for quite some time. She was none-too-thrilled to come across so many spiders at once. After a loud shriek that reverberated throughout the house, she collected herself and contacted Cowleys. She had no interest whatsoever in trying to deal with this spider infestation herself.  

Upon arrival, I first vacuumed all of the live activity and spider debris that I could find including the webs and egg sacs. Vacuuming removes the immediate problem. After, I applied a liquid treatment that will act as a preventative moving forward. One of the best ways fro homeowners to reduce spider populations by reducing other insect populations in and around their home. Spiders are predators that seek out all sorts of insects for food. They are actually beneficial insects in that they reduce the populations of many unwanted pests. The problem with spiders is when they gain access inside your home and start to breed, often in alarming numbers. Periodic preventative perimeter treatments will  keep out insects as well as the spiders that follow them.  

All of us find an occasional spider or two in our homes. However, once spiders start to nest inside the home and are crawling around in large numbers, professional pest control treatment is necessary. Also, a large spider infestation is often a sign f another insect infestation in your home. After all, a thriving spider population requires a good, steady food supply. Finally, although black recluse and black widows are the only two venomous spiders in New Jersey, virtually all spiders bite. For some, a spider bite can trigger severe swelling and other adverse reactions. In those cases, immediate medical attention is necessary.

Proudly serving Mercer, Ocean, Monmouth, Somerset, & Middlesex County

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Our Locations:

Cowleys Pest Services
1145 NJ-33
Farmingdale, NJ 07727

Cowleys Pest Services
120 Stryker Ln Suite 206 A & B
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Cowleys Pest Services
391 Main St #103
Spotswood, NJ 08884

Cowleys Pest Services
3490 US-1 Suite 107
Princeton, NJ 08540
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