Pests We Treat - Bed bugs found during follow up inspection in Bayville, NJ

Bed bug infestations start when a resident or guest unknowingly carries a bed bug into a home. They are hitchhikers that don’t get there own accord. We can pick up bed bugs anywhere there are other people who may be bringing bed bugs with them. You can get them in a motel while traveling, in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, or even visiting family or friends. This particular homeowner in Bayville, NJ had not been traveling and she had no idea how a bed bug managed to find its way into her home. Often, the first sign of a bed bug infestation are waking up with unexplained bites (especially a pattern of three bites all in a row).

After our initial bed bug treatment, we always schedule a two week follow up to re-inspect to determine the effectiveness of the first treatment and to re-apply product to those areas that still have problems. Bed bugs are highly resilient insects and the reality is that you can’t assume that one treatment is enough. Proper follow-ups are an integral part of the treatment process. With that said, bed bug are just another type of insect and the treatments for them are highly effective. Having bed bugs is not a hopeless situation! Here, when I lifted up the mattress and box spring I found a fully engorged dead bed bug that just had its last meal. After a bed bug has its blood meal, it will cross over the treated area back to its hiding spot. Their bellies scrape against the product that we apply. And that’s the beginning of the end. Within two hours, the product will be absorbed into the bed bug and the insect will soon die.

Since bed bugs hide between feedings, it is essential to do multiple treatments (generally, three) over a five-week period. Bed bugs stay hidden until the host is sleeping or resting. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale. It’s quite common for a homeowner to come across a few bed bugs between the first and second treatment. Bed bugs do not uniformly die and they don’t die all at once. It takes some time for all of them to eventually come into contact with the application. Bed bugs are tricky bugs that are very good at survival. But, as I like to say, they may be sly, but so am I. Just give me a few visits, and I’ll clear those biting bugs out of your house!


Proudly serving Mercer, Ocean, Monmouth, Somerset, & Middlesex County

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Our Locations:

Cowleys Pest Services
1145 NJ-33
Farmingdale, NJ 07727

Cowleys Pest Services
120 Stryker Ln Suite 206 A & B
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Cowleys Pest Services
391 Main St #103
Spotswood, NJ 08884

Cowleys Pest Services
3490 US-1 Suite 107
Princeton, NJ 08540
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