Pests We Treat - Cockroach Clean Out Throughout the Kitchen in Freehold, NJ

I was recently sent to a home in Freehold Township, NJ. The homeowners contacted Cowleys after finding themselves with a severe infestation of German roaches in their kitchen and surrounding areas. There are few infestations that are more upsetting to homeowners than roaches. They are filthy insects that contaminate food and countertops. Resolving certain insect infestations, especially bed bugs and roaches, requires a team effort with the homeowner and the pest control technician. Homeowners can make our job easier and the treatment more effective by properly preparing for roach servicing before we arrive. For roach infestations, we ask that all kitchen cabinets are emptied. We understand that its a lot of work, but we want to get rid of the infestation as much as you do Emptying the cabinets allows us to thoroughly apply or products and access all of the cracks and crevices where these roaches hide. Roaches look for tight crevices where their bodies are touching multiple surface areas. This is known as thigmotactic behavior — they are driven by their preference for close quarters. Their instinctual behavior of seeking out tight-fitting places makes it more challenging to eradicate these pests. Also, any of there homes occupants, including pets, need to be out of the home for 4 to 6 hours after treatment.

With this particular infestation, I opened several cabinets and found live roaches, dead roaches, and their pepper-like roach droppings. There were also multiple egg cases (oothecae) that the female German roach carries in her abdomen. She’ll deposit it in a hidden crevice right before the eggs are ready to hatch. Just one egg case can contain up to 50 eggs, so it doesn’t take long for a roach population to grow rapidly and for a moderate infestation to become a severe one. I applied a residual liquid with an insect growth regulator what sterilizes female roaches, preventing them from reproducing. Once you initiate a crack-and-crevice treatment with a micro-injector fogger to get deep inside where the roaches are hiding, the insects are flushed-out and soon eliminated. I thoroughly treated every potential harborage areas including the refrigerator motor, pipe chases, and wall voids. 

Immediately after applying the treatment, I saw large numbers of roaches fleeing their harborage areas, Once no more roaches were moving, I let the homeowner know that I would return in two weeks for a follow-up to assess the initial treatment and perform additional treatments as needed. Roaches are resilient insects, but with our thorough treatment plan, we routinely eradicate these pests from homes and businesses. 






Proudly serving Mercer, Ocean, Monmouth, Somerset, & Middlesex County

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Our Locations:

Cowleys Pest Services
1145 NJ-33
Farmingdale, NJ 07727

Cowleys Pest Services
120 Stryker Ln Suite 206 A & B
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Cowleys Pest Services
391 Main St #103
Spotswood, NJ 08884

Cowleys Pest Services
3490 US-1 Suite 107
Princeton, NJ 08540
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