Pests We Treat - Where Do Bed Bugs Like to Hide in Rocky Hill, NJ

Where do bed bugs hide?”

That’s one of the most frequently asked question that I hear as a bed bug specialist.  For me, it’s one of the most important questions that’s on my mind  with every bed bug infestation that I am called to treat. These insects are masters of stealth, and my job is to ferret them out from their numerous potential hiding places.

Law enforcement has a saying, “to catch a criminal, you have to think like one.” The same is true in my line of work. To figure out where bed bugs are hiding, you have to start “thinking” like one. Of course, insects aren’t exactly deep thinkers. They operate on purely on instinctive behaviors, and they have a pretty simple life. Bed bugs spend their day either eating or not eating, and when they are not eating, every so often, they lay eggs to produce another generation of pests.

Let’s start with what they eat. Bed bugs have a limited diet. In fact, they have a liquid diet that’s limited to one food source: blood. For whatever reason, bed bugs have a distinct preference for human blood. In other words, bed bugs are external parasites, and we, unfortunately, are their favorite hosts. 

So what does that mean as far as hiding places? Bed bugs like to stay close to their food source. They rarely go more then four feet from where they can easily access a blood meal. So, the first part of the where are they hiding puzzle is that these bugs are inevitably nearby where people either sleep or rest. Common hiding places are inevitably on or nearby beds, sofas, lazy chairs and recliners, cribs, and if you have teens, wherever they play video games or are on their laptops for hours on end.

What about when they are not eating? Bed bugs, like all of us, seek out safety. They don’t want to be bothered after they are finished extracting their latest blood meal. As such, bed bugs seek out dark, tight cracks and crevices in which to hide. The darkness provides them with safety because it's hard to kill what can't be seen. And they like tight spaces, claustrophobically tight! A bed bug literally wants to feels pressure on all sides on its body. It gives them the assurance that they are in a safe area. Think about swaddled newborns. When they are wrapped up tight, they feel safe and secure. Maybe that’s why humans like hugs and why little kids like hiding under the sheets at night, but I’ll leave that to the experts who study human behavior. 

Focusing on a bed bug’s need for our blood and need for their safety gives bed bug technicians plenty of inspection options that could otherwise be easily overlooked. As seen in the video attached from Howell, NJ, bed bugs were nesting behind a clock directly above the bed. For bed bugs, this clock was a prime location. It gave them their needed sense of security and the bugs were just a few feet away from their next blood meal. 

If you have a bed bug infestation, it’s critical to inspect and treat all surrounding areas of your home where your family is either sleeping or resting. Bed bug infestations are difficult and stressful, but they can be resolved with diligence and a comprehensive inspection and treatment strategy.

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1145 NJ-33
Farmingdale, NJ 07727

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120 Stryker Ln Suite 206 A & B
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

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391 Main St #103
Spotswood, NJ 08884

Cowleys Pest Services
3490 US-1 Suite 107
Princeton, NJ 08540
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