Pests We Treat Photo Album: Wolf Spiders Found Around the Deck in Barnegat, NJ
While treating this property in Barnegat, NJ we found several wolf spiders on the outside of the home.
Wolf Spider Burrow
While treating the home, we found this "webbing" near the base of the back door. We took a closer look and found a wolf spider! Wolf spiders do not spin webs and reside instead within burrows. These burrows may be open or sealed with silken doors.
Don't Hunt with Webs
Unlike most spiders, wolf spiders don't hunt with webs. Instead, they chase their prey using their fast running ability. Wolf spiders actively hunt during the night and usually rest in sheltered places during the day.
Wolf Spiders Aren't a Threat
Wolf spiders don't pose a threat to people. It is possible to be allergic to a wolf spider's venom, but they are not poisonous. Since wolf spiders are large, their bite may be painful.
Removing and Treating
We grabbed our spider broom and started to brush away all the spider webs. Next, we applied an application that is specifically labeled to treat spiders directly to the infested areas. This treatment will rapidly exterminate the wolf spiders.