Pests We Treat Photo Album: Self Treatment of Odorous House Ants Goes Wrong in Neptune, NJ
After finding odorous house ants by her front door, this homeowner in Neptune, NJ tried to handle the issue on her own. Unfortunately, it didn't work out.
Homemade Remedy
When I arrived, I saw these homemade "ants traps" (that were made by the homeowner) by the front door that were full of, and surrounded by, odorous house ants.
Why They Weren't Working
The reason why these "traps" weren't working, because it was only affecting the odorous house ants inside the traps. The ants weren't apply to return to their colony and spread the application.
Cowleys Effective Treatment for Ants
I disposed of the ant traps and applied a residual application to all the crack and crevices by the front door and the surrounding areas. I then went into the basement and applied a dusting product to all the cracks and crevices.
Pest Control in Neptune, NJ
Once the ants come in contact with either of these products, they'll bring the treatments back to their nest and share it with one another. This ensures rapid extermination of the odorous house ants.
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