Drew Cowley
Cowleys Pest Services

In October 1991, Drew Cowley founded Cowleys Termite & Pest Services. As the saying goes, he started his business on a wing and a prayer. Drew entered the world of pest control with no connections, no family seed money, no office, and not a single client. All he had was a pest control license, a truck, and the necessary equipment and products. But, fortunately, he had the most important asset of any business to achieve success -- an unwavering commitment to do right by every customer who was willing to give him a chance.
During the first four years, the business was literally a one-man show. Drew did it all with no backup, no safety net, no vacation, and no sick days. Any day that ended in a “y” was a work day. He was the business manager, sales person, and technician all rolled up in one.
Drew knew that business was not going to come to him, and he had to make the effort to get the word out any way he could. He knocked on doors, cold called, and turned his entire extended family and all of his friends into a small army of unpaid representatives. In the early 90s, advertising was limited, and the Yellow Pages was one of the few games in town. However, since it printed only once a year, he had to do all the work upfront himself -- well before his first ad even came out. And when the directory finally was distributed, Drew found himself surrounded by dozens of more established competitors.
Drew was determined to make a name for himself. He made sure every job was done to perfection. Word of mouth referrals snowballed, and business was booming. For him, a half-day of work meant 12 hours. He was happy for all of the work, but he knew that he could not keep up the pace by himself. He needed help, and turned to the one person who he knew and trusted more than anyone: his brother, Bill. Bill was contemplating a career change and he saw the potential of what his brother had started. In 1996, they joined forces. Soon thereafter, there were two other technicians and three Cowleys trucks on the road.
Over the years, Cowleys added more services to its core pest control business and the business name is now Cowleys Pest Services. Drew, who still remains very hands-on out in the field working side-by-side with the technicians, manages the divisions that handle bird deterrence, nuisance wildlife removal, and attic insulation. His brother Bill manages the rapidly expanding mold treatment and crawl space encapsulation businesses, as well as the seasonal Christmas decorating business.
Drew has multiple certifications from the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA) with expertise in all types of nuisance birds and wildlife.
Drew is currently the President of NWCOA and was the treasurer for many years and some of his certifications are:
- NWCOA-Certified as an Expert Wildlife Control Operator and is designated as a Goose Management Professional
- NWCOA Bat Standard Compliant.
- Master Instructor of NWCOA
- Water Trapping Certification
- Reptile & Amphibian Certification
- Rodent Standards Certification
- Bird Management Certification
- Bird Management Level 2 Certification
- Certified Structural Bat Management
- Certified Wildlife Control Operator
- Certified Wildlife Professional
- Zoonotics Disease Professional
- Certified NWCOA Instructor
- Contributing Author of Rodent Class
- Certified Bird Barrier Bird Deterrent Installer
- Bird Control Specialist
- Bird-B-Gone Certified & Authorized Installer
- Eagle Eye Bird Deterrent Certified
- South Jersey Trapping & Snaring Certified
- Certified Ridge Guard Installer
- Certified AVIX Laser Operator
- Fur Takers of America - Certified Trapper - Expert
- Perdue University Graduate of Professional Trappers - State Course
- Get Bent Metal Bending & Repairs Graduate
- Commercial Pesticide Applicator License in Core, 7A - General and household pest control, 7B - Termites, and 7D - Food manufacturing and processing
- He holds a variety of pest control designations through the State of New Jersey DEP.
His hobbies include anything and everything to do with his kids, and supporting their endeavors in a variety of sports. For himself, Drew enjoys golfing and spending as much time as he can on the beach during our special Jersey Shore summers.