Case Studies - Page 28

Recently, I was sent to an apartment unit in Barneget, NJ, to resolve an entrenched German cockroach infestation. Roaches have...

As this homeowner in Barnegat, NJ was renovating his living room, he found something behind a wall that made his...

The Ant Takeover!!!! I was dispatched to a customer's home in South Amboy after he contacted Cowleys for help with...

I often work with Nick, another pest control technician at Cowleys Pest Services. Together, we’re a great team — the...

We are in the midst of termite season! Each spring, termites swarm to find mates and establish new colonies. When...

As we were replenishing the bait for our rodent bait stations at this home in Avenel, NJ, we found an...

Although pest control technicians at Cowleys more commonly encounter mouse infestations, we do on occasion deal with a rodent that...

While servicing this commercial establishment in Morganville, NJ, we noticed that there were a lot of fruit flies near a...

While performing a treatment service for a new Home Protection Plan customer in Morganville, NJ we found a few spiders...

This homeowner in Morganville, NJ returned home from work one day and as he was about to put his key...

We were sent out to a commercial property in Morganville, NJ to handle a fruit fly infestation in the kitchen....

My primary responsibility as a pest control technician is dealing with a homeowner's worst nightmare, wood-destroying subterranean termites. These termites...