Photo Album: Raccoons Gain Access into Multiple Soffit Returns in Wall Township, NJ
Here's how we're going to safely remove the raccoons from this home in Wall Township, NJ
Right in the Soffit Return
The raccoons were using both of the soffit returns to gain access into the home.
Only One-Way
We temporarily sealed off each access point with hardware cloth, left one area open, and installed a one-way device over that opening. We also set-up several baited devices nearby. A one-way device will allow the raccoons to safely leave the area but prevent them from getting back in.
Excluding the Raccoons
A short while later, we safely retrieved the raccoons and relocated them to a new, humane location. In order to prevent any future intrusions from raccoons, or any other nuisance wildlife, we installed a sturdy piece of metal flashing over each access point.
Secured from all Nuisance Wildlife
Now the home is properly excluded from all nuisance wildlife.