Photo Album: Yellow Jackets Use Expired Hornets Nest
Once the bald-faced hornets moved out their nest, the yellow jackets moved right in!
Took Over the Nest
We saw a few yellow jackets flying around a crack in the foundation. We were going to remove the docile hornets nest, but when we got close to it, an army of angry yellow jackets came flying out!
First the Knockdown Liquid
First, we treated the nest with a knockdown liquid application. Next, we injected a knockdown dusting application into the crack in the foundation.
Prevent Them from Returning
Both of these treatments will exterminate the yellow jackets almost immediately. Once their numbers decreased, we removed the nest, disposed of it, sealed the crack with a premium, waterproof adhesive, and then treated the area with a residual application to eliminate any returning yellow jackets as well as prevent them from building a nest.