Photo Album: Fruit Fly Infestation Caused by Poor Sanitation in Mantoloking, NJ
Make sure to thoroughly clean underneath your kitchen equipment. Otherwise, you'll end up with a fruit fly infestation!
Very Dirty
As we inspected the area, we found a buildup of discarded food and liquids underneath the equipment as well as several floor drains that were dirty and full of garbage.
Those Fruit Flies
There was even one pipe underneath the equipment that was full of fruit fly larvae.
Why Regular Cleaning is Important
We showed the owner and advised her that properly cleaning behind & underneath all the equipment will prevent pests from infesting her business. We were happy to see that she and her staff began cleaning immediately.
Our Fruit Fly Treatment
First, we applied a liquid application in all the floor drains and then scrubbed them out with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush. Afterward, we applied a bio-foam solution in the drains, which removes all the organic build-up, odors, and scum inside them.
Fruit Fly Traps
Next, we placed several fruit fly traps near the areas of the highest volume and treated them with a fly bait.
How the Traps Work
What happens is the attractant in the traps draws the fruit flies close and the bait exterminates them within moments of contact. Lastly, we scheduled several follow up inspections to monitor the infestation and apply any additional treatments if needed.