Photo Album: Exterior Conduit Full of Yellow Jackets in Plainsboro, NJ
After finding a large number of yellow jackets in the basement area of his building, this office manager in Plainsboro, NJ called Cowleys for help.
Gap Around the Conduit
After inspecting the area, we noticed that the yellow jackets were able to enter the office building through a gap around the interior conduit pipe.
Treat it from the Outside
After locating the nest on the exterior of the building, we grabbed our extendable pole, attached a knockdown dusting application to it, and began treating the nest.
Exterminates the Yellow Jackets
This application rapidly eliminates the yellow jackets.
Sealed, Removed, and Secure
After several moments, we removed the nest, properly disposed of it, sealed the gap around the interior conduit pipe with a waterproof adhesive, and applied a residual product to the exterior area to prevent reinfestation.