Photo Album: Association Plagued by Carpenter Ants Treatment in Ewing, NJ
This apartment complex in Ewing, NJ had a massive carpenter ant infestation.
Support Column
Although there was a massive carpenter ant infestation in the front of one of the units, I followed their trail that lead all the way to a support column on the side of the building.
Spray First
I treated the columns, window sills, and the exterior of all the units with a residual application.
Next, The Granular Bait
Next, I applied a granular bait to the landscape areas around the units. Once the carpenter ants come in contact with any of these applications, they will bring them back to their nest and share the treatments with one another. Shortly after, they are eliminated.
Carpenter Ant Extermination
Lastly, I used a flushing aerosol product to treat all the cracks and crevices in the support column. This application will rapidly eliminate the carpenter ants and flush them out and into the liquid residual I applied earlier.