Photo Album: Fox Attacks Chicken Coop in Toms River, NJ
These poor chickens were getting devoured by a pesky fox in Toms River, NJ
Chickens Attacked
The fox was attacking and eating the homeowner's chickens!
Dragging Them Below
The fox was attacking the chickens...
Under the Shed
...and dragging them underneath the shed!
Several Openings
As you can see, there were several holes under the shed that the fox dug up.
Still There
After a thorough inspection, we found evidence that the fox was still underneath the shed!
Dig Defense®
So we installed Dig Defense® around the entire perimeter of the shed.
Baited Devices & Positive Sets
And installed several baited traps and positives sets around the main access points. A positive set consists of a nose cone that will guide the fox into a two-gaited heavy-duty device.
Excludes the Fox
Dig Defense® is a below-ground fence system that is 15 inches deep and 4 feet across and protects structures against invasive nuisance wildlife and feral animals.
Fill In the Ditches
Once we safely retrieve the fox, we will fill in the ditches and install Dig Defense® over the access points to prevent future intrusions from foxes as well as all nuisance wildlife.