Photo Album: Indian Meal Moths Contaminating Cabinets in Port Monmouth, NJ
While servicing a condominium complex in Port Monmouth, NJ, one of the residents complained about "flying insects" in her cabinets.
Indian Meal Moths
I inspected the kitchen pantry and found a massive Indian meal moth infestation!
The Larvae
That right there is the larvae of an Indian meal moth.
Contaminated Products
I noticed a hole in one of the bagged items in the pantry. When I lifted it up to examine, food and Indian meal moths came pouring out from the bottom!
Very Costly Pests
The infestation was so severe, that we had no choice but to throw away all the products in this pantry.
Now for Treatment
I grabbed an aerosol product and treated all the cracks and crevices throughout the pantry and the kitchen. This treatment rapidly exterminates the Indian meal moths.
For the Ones Flying Around
Next, I installed several pheromone traps to catch the adults that were flying around. These devices have a unique pheromone in them that lures the Indian meal moths to their demise.
Schedule the Follow-Up
Lastly, I scheduled several follow-up visits to monitor the infestation and replace the devices until the Indian meal moths are exterminated.