Photo Album: Excluding Flying Squirrels in Long Branch, NJ
After safely removing and relocating a flying squirrel that took up residence at this home in Long Branch, NJ, we began excluding the areas to prevent reinfestation.
The Static Vents
The flying squirrels were able to access the attic area through the static vents.
Cover Them
So we installed vent guards! These vent guards are made of heavy-duty 18 Gauge expanded Galvannealed steel mesh and prevents flying squirrels as well as all nuisance wildlife from entering the building through the static vents.
The Ridge Vent
The ridge vent is also a potential area for flying squirrels and all nuisance wildlife to access.
Installing Ridge-Guard®
To fix this, we installed Ridge-Guard®, which secures and reinforces the ridge vent shingles so that flying squirrels and nuisance wildlife are unable to enter.
Guarded from Nuisance Wildlife
Now the home is properly guarded from all nuisance wildlife.