Photo Album: Raccoons Break Into Home in Lakewood, NJ
Raccoons decided to exploit this moisture-damaged area on the roof and invade the attic of this home in Lakewood, NJ.
Took Advantage
The raccoon broke into this home by exposing a roof line gap and rotten plywood underneath the shingles. It doesn't take much for a raccoon to find areas that interest them and where they are able to expose a weakness in a structure.
Setting Up the One-Way
I set-up a one-way device over the access point and temporarily sealed it off with hardware cloth. A one-way device allows the raccoon to safely exit the area but is designed to prevent them from getting back in.
Baited Devices
I also set-up several baited devices along the raccoons path.
Once They're Retrieved
Once we safely retrieve the raccoon we'll disinfect the attic, seal the area with sturdy metal flashing, and relocate the raccoon to a new, humane environment.