After spotting a raccoon climbing on her roof one night, this terrified homeowner immediately called our office.
That's Some Serious Damage
Minutes into our inspection, we came across this large hole on the side of the home that was made by raccoons. How did we know it was made by raccoons? Aside from the raccoon hair stuck in the hole...
The Paw Prints
...we found raccoon paw prints leading up to the access point!
Positive Set
We set up our positive set directly over the access point and enclosed it in with hardware cloth. The positive set is a one-way device that is connected to a two-gaited, heavy-duty Comstock device.
Some Baited Traps Too
We also installed several baited traps nearby. Once all the raccoons are safely removed, we will relocate them to a new, humane environment and seal up the access point with sturdy, metal flashing.