Photo Album: Tenants Leave Behind Bed Bugs in Matawan, NJ
A property manager of an apartment complex in Matawan, NJ had a tenant that moved out in the middle of the night and left everything behind. The tenants didn’t even notify the property manager for over 2 weeks that they were gone! When the property manager went to inspect the apartment she was horrified, because she found bed bugs.
What's That Behind the Bed
As we were inspecting, we noticed some sort of "staining" behind the bed. So we took a closer look...
Oh, It's Bed Bug
..and found a plethora of bed bugs!
I'm Batm....Bed Bug!
The bed bugs were hiding in between the seams of the sheets and the mattress, as well as underneath an end table in the bedroom.
Throw it All Away
The property manager wanted everything to be thrown away. So we carefully disposed of all the contents in the apartment. Afterward, we vacuumed all of the gaps, cracks, and crevices throughout the entire apartment.
Exterminate the Bed Bugs
We then applied a light liquid application to all the areas where the bed bugs were harboring as well as where they potentially could be harboring. Lastly, we scheduled several follow-up visits to guarantee these bed bugs are eliminated for good.