Photo Album: Yellow Jackets Disturb Homeowners in Toms River, NJ
As this couple in Toms River, NJ was getting ready to take down their holiday decorations, they were attacked by several yellow jackets in their attic.
As I Was Walking Up
When I arrived, I noticed the yellow jacket nest immediately as I was walking up to the house.
In the Gable Vent
The nest was located in the gable vent and the yellow jackets were infesting the attic. This is a dangerous situation because both homeowners are highly allergic to bee stings.
A Fast Takedown
Using my extendable pole, I attached an aerosol product to it and applied it to the nest. This product immediately neutralizes the yellow jackets.
Keep Them From Coming Back
As soon as all the yellow jackets are eliminated, I will remove the nest, dispose of it, and apply a light residual product to the area to prevent any foraging yellow jackets from returning.