Photo Album: Yellow Jackets Swarming Dangerously Close to Pool in Eatontown, NJ
A community association in Eatontown, NJ called our office after multiple residents complained of yellow jackets swarming by the community pool.
Inside the Fence
The residents mentioned that they were seeing the yellow jackets over by the fence, so that's where I looked. After a short while, I located their nest inside a void in a section of the fence.
Bad Tempered Stinging Insects
Yellow jackets are territorial, have a bad temper, and pose significant threats to humans. They are known to sting repeatedly and can cause allergic reactions.
Treated From AFar
I grabbed my extendable pole and treated the nest with an aerosol application, which'll rapidly eliminates the yellow jackets.
Remove Thier Nest
Once they were eliminated, I removed their nest, disposed of it, and applied a residual product to prevent future yellow jackets from establishing a new nest in the area.