Photo Album: One Large Bald-Faced Hornets Nest in Pennington, NJ
As this homeowner in Pennington, NJ was mowing his lawn, he suddenly got stung by several angry bald-faced hornets. He quickly stopped what he was doing, ran inside, and called Cowleys for help.
Camouflaged in the Branches
After some investigating, we found the bald-faced hornets nest about 15 feet up hanging on a branch in one of the trees. It was hidden well and unless you really took a hard look, you would never have noticed it.
The Bigger the Size, the Larger the Colony
Bald-faced hornets usually appear in late summer and their nests can be as large as a basketball (which this particular nest was). At their peak, their colonies may contain over 400 members!
Care is Needed
We grabbed our extendable pole and injected an aerosol knockdown application directly into the entranceway to the nest. This product rapidly exterminates these angry hornets.
Safe to Remove
Once the activity calmed down, we carefully removed the nest and the branches the nest was attached to, and properly disposed of them.