Photo Album: One Way Out with Squirrels in Manasquan, NJ
As I was inspecting this home in Manasquan, NJ for squirrels I noticed multiple entry points in the soffits and the roofline.
Easy Pickings
Openings like this present a perfect opportunity for not only squirrels but raccoons and insects to enter a home.
The Easiest Path
Remember, nuisance wildlife will always choose the path of least resistance. If there are numerous openings around your property, you are essentially inviting them into your home!
How To Resolve This
After finding evidence of squirrels in the attic and locating the main access point, I temporarily sealed up all potential openings with hardware cloth and set-up a one-way device over the main access point. The one-way allows the squirrel to safely exit the attic, but is designed to prevent them from getting back in.
On it's way Out
After setting up the one-way, I installed several baited traps on the roof. As I went back to my truck I looked at the roof and saw the squirrel leaving the attic!
Does it Job
This is showing the one-way doing it's job and preventing the squirrel from re-entering the attic! Once all the squirrels are evicted, I'll properly seal up the attic with metal flashing and then sanitize and deodorize the attic.