I was dispatched to a residential unit in the Wycoff’s Mill development in Hightstown to resolve a squirrel infestation in the attic. Squirrels were observed on the roof so there was no surprise with what type of wildlife I was dealing with. Wildlife infestations inside homes must be promptly resolved. Even little squirrels are capable of causing significant property damage. In the attic, they damage insulation or can chew wires. Their urine and droppings can carry pathogens. And with a squirrel’s high metabolism, these guys can make a big mess very quickly. Often worse, is the damage they can do to the exterior. As new litters are born in and near the home, there will be more squirrels searching for areas to build their nests, are more holes chewed to gain entry into the attic. Squirrels are experts at exploiting any gaps that they come across. If the gaps are too small, they will do their own “construction work” and expand them by chewing around the edges until they are usable. Squirrels may look cute and harmless, but they are gnawing rodents with razor sharp teeth capable of grinding through 2 x 4s and most other construction materials. After determining how the squirrels were gaining access, I knew exactly what to do. I placed four humane box traps next to the access point (see photo). After ensuring that there were no squirrels in the attic, I sealed off the entry hole by securing an aluminum sheet into the flashing over the fascia board to prevent further incidents. I’ll perform follow-up checks and have the resident contact me should a squirrel become trapped. I’ll immediately come over and relocate them to a safe habitat. My goal with wildlife infestations is always the same: I want a happy ending for everyone — the homeowner or the tenant and the squirrels themselves! Wildlife does much better when relocated away from human habitats.Squirrels gain easy access to home - Squirrel Control & Removal in Hightstown
On the way to this job, I was hoping that Cowleys was contacted early before the squirrels had time to cause more extensive damage and build more entry points. Upon arrival, I started my inspection. The first task was to determine how the squirrels were gaining access. I placed a ladder to the left of the unit with the infestation stated in the work order (see photo). From this vantage point, I immediately saw the damage. Squirrels had ripped away fascia board toward the peak of the roof near the vent stacks (see photo).Solution