I was dispatched to a Toms River restaurant to resolve a cockroach infestation. This restaurant was not a regularly serviced account of Cowleys. Hopefully, after this visit, the restaurant owner will reconsider the importance of having ongoing pest control with periodic visits and a preventative treatment plan. I arrived first thing in the morning as soon as the staff had opened the restaurant to start their morning prep work. To say that what I found was disturbing would be an understatement. This sanitation conditions of this commercial kitchen were deplorable. There was food and dirty dishes that had been soaking in dirty standing water from the night before, garbage was scattered on the floor, and grease and grime was caked on and under the sinks. It was evident from the amount of trash, grease and grime, that this kitchen had not been given a thorough cleaning in ages. Certainly, if these conditions were known by any patrons, they would have taken an immediate u-turn out of the restaurant. Not surprisingly, this restaurant found itself with an entrenched cockroach infestation. Unsanitary conditions in a commercial kitchen like in this Toms River restaurant provides breeding and harborage areas for all sorts of pests including roaches, ants, and rodents. These conditions are a major health concern for staff and customers. While a good pest management technician can work wonders resolving infestations, pest management is a team effort. A pest-free restaurant must have strict sanitation protocols in place that are followed every day by staff. The entire staff, and that means anyone and everyone who sets foot in the kitchen, must be vigilant about hygiene. Fortunately, I was there to take steps to resolve the problem. I’m also hopeful that I set the stage so that this restaurant could avoid future problems. For my restaurant accounts, my goal is to keep their kitchens pest free, and the key is having an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan in place. You want to be proactive so that problems are avoided in the first place. However, infestations can and do occur despite our best efforts even in the cleanest of commercial kitchens. However, when an IPM plan is in place, those small infestations that may pop up here and there are easy quashed. You simply don’t see large-scale entrenched pest infestations in commercial kitchens where sanitation is a top priority. All of my restaurant accounts know that I have their backs. I’ll be there to resolve any pest control problems that may arise, and I’ll do so quickly and definitively. Cockroaches find home sweet home in Toms River, NJ restaurant | Bug Removal