A Neptune City homeowner was having issues with water damage, especially around the roofing and soffits. This homeowner was not alone. The Shore area has had an exceptionally wet winter, and many homeowners have been dealing with roof leaks and gutter issues. It is so important that water is directed away from the home. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before water infiltrates your attic, basement, or crawl space. And that’s not all. Water problems often lead to other problems including mold growth and wildlife and insect infestations. With wildlife, during the colder winter months, certain animals that have adapted well to human habitats start to eye our homes as warm respite from the harsh outdoor elements. For a Cowleys wildlife technician servicing the Jersey Shore area, the usual wildlife infestation suspects, in order of size, are mice, squirrels, and raccoons. I’d never heard of a problem with deer, and would have thought it impossible, but I was recently reminded that anything’s possible. A deer decided to jump through an open window at a Middle School in North Arlington, NJ, causing a bit of excitement for the day! When we see squirrels running around our property, with some even making it to the roof, we think nothing of it. If anything, it’s a little entertaining. However, once we hear noises coming from inside, then it’s a whole different ballgame. Those little critters aren’t so cute anymore. This homeowner heard some noises in his attic and immediately called Little Rascals Wildlife Service By Cowleys. As soon as I arrived I could see that some squirrels had been hard at work. What likely started out as storm and water damage had been exploited by squirrels that had made several holes in the roofing and soffits. Squirrels are experts at exploiting any gaps that they come across. If the gaps are too small, they will do their own “construction work” and expanding them by chewing around the edges until they form a usable entry point. Squirrels are rodents with razor sharp teeth that can grind through most construction materials. With this Neptune City home, these squirrels were extra ambitious. Two of the holes went through the roof and through the soffit below it so you could see to the ground. The squirrels were easily able to gain access to a roof from a nearby tree with overhanging branches. I set and baited several live traps along the path the squirrels were likely to travel along the roof. Within 24 hours, I already had a squirrel in the trap. I’ll keep the traps open for a few more days to see if I need to relocate anyone else. After we determine that there were no squirrels (especially babies) inside the attic, we’ll repair the holes. The homeowner also needs to resolve the water intrusion problem with the roof. Soft wet or moist wood or other building materials is an invitation for trouble, both from wildlife like squirrels and from insects like termites and carpenter bees. Cowleys also recommends keeping tree branches away from the roof. Squirrels are resourceful creatures. If they are set on reaching some place, they can usually get there. But don’t make it easy for them. If your roof is hard to reach, they would rather find another roof in the neighborhood that is less challenging. Once inside a home, wildlife can cause significant property damage both from chewing and from their toxic droppings that contain bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens. When the droppings dry and spores are released into the air, they pose a health risk to the home’s occupants. Once a homeowner realizes there is a problem, he or she should immediately call an experienced wildlife technician. These problems don’t resolve on their own. Once wildlife gets a taste of a good thing like a warm attic, they won’t leave voluntarily. By resolving the infestation quickly, squirrels or other wildlife won’t become accustomed to using your home for their own living accommodations. Once they do, there is a higher chance that they’ll keep trying to return. Squirrels chew their way into this Neptune home - Squirrel removal & control in Neptune City, NJ