Customers dealing with the stress of a bed bug infestation always ask how they could have bed bugs. After all, they have clean house, don't travel, don't have much company, or do anything else for a bed bug to sneak inside their home. First, cleanliness has nothing to do with bed bug infestations. While a dirty kitchen may attract roaches and other assorted bugs, a clean home is just as likely to succumb to a bed bug infestation as a dirty home. The only thing that bed bugs are interested in is blood meal. They do not distinguish among zip codes or any other criteria; all they care about is attaching to a human host for their next meal. As far as traveling, you don’t need to travel the globe to bring a bed bug into your house. As long as you leave your home for work, shopping, dining, and other activities, you are putting yourself at risk for bed bugs. Bed bugs are stealth insects and make for perfect hitchhikers. If you are unlucky enough to find yourself next to someone who has an infestation, he or she may be carrying bed bugs on their clothing, purse, or back pack. Like the childhood game of tag, the bed bugs easily scurry off one person and climb onto another who then unknowingly brings it into his or her home. And with their egg-laying capabilities, one bed bug is all you need to trigger a full-blown infestation. Is it really that easy to pick up a bed bug in a public place like NJ transit or a restaurant or a movie theater? You bet. How about a health care facility like a hospital or doctor’s office? These pictures were taken in a doctor’s waiting room in Middletown. Out of 12 chairs, 10 of them had evidence of bed bugs. If you happened to see that doctor before the infestation was treated, you would have had about an 80% chance of sitting in an infested chair. How can we be so diligent to protect ourselves? Be vigilant. Always do a quick check of yourself after being in a crowded area. In your home, thoroughly vacuuming is a good way to stop bed bugs from gaining a foot hold. Most importantly, if there is evidence of an infestation, not just a bed bug sighting, but small dark stains on your mattress or unexplained bites when you get up in the morning, immediately contact a bed bug specialist. Sometimes it can take awhile before you actually see a bed bug, and often when you do, it means that you already have a heavy infestation. With the egg-laying capability of these bugs, bed bug infestations can spread quickly throughout a home. By calling us early, the treatment is not only easier, but the chance of a re-infestation is substantially reduced. Two technicians are scheduled for the initial treatment of bed bugs. Initial treatment is started with a thorough reinspection of all the rooms in the structure including rooms not thought to have any problems. While one technician is conducting the inspection, the other tech is thoroughly vacuuming all live bedbugs from the rooms with confirmed sightings using a HEPA vacuum. After the rooms and contents have been thoroughly vacuumed the first technician follows with a commercial grade steamer to all cracks and crevices of common hiding areas. A two week followup is then scheduled. During this visit we will conduct a thorough inspection and then we apply an additional chemical application to areas of concern. In about two to three weeks we conduct a final inspection to make sure the structure is completely free of bed bugs, and reapply a light chemical application to any continuing areas of concern. Our 90 day no bite no sight warranty goes into effect after this visit. scheduled with the same procedure.Bed Bugs in Doctor's Office - Bed Bug Removal & Control in Middletown, NJ