A resident in one of the communities that we provide pest and wildlife control for complained of noises in the attic of her unit. I inspected her home and the surrounding building. I located a squirrel’s entry point in the front corner of the roof edge. Understanding squirrel behavior, I was able to figure out that the squirrels were climbing the tree and exterior brick to access their new home. To catch these squirrels, I installed a multiple catch trap directly over their entry point. This will trap what's already inside the attic. We then installed additional traps on the roof which will catch any new squirrels looking to get in. The multi catch trap will also tell me the attic is empty when it doesn't catch any squirrels in three days. I will reinspect the interior and exterior when I am confident all the squirrels are caught. I will finalize the process by covering the entry point with white aluminum.Squirrels in attic in North Brunswick, NJ