This restaurant in Highlands, NJ, one of the towns that experienced devastating damage due to Superstorm Sandy, is happily back up and running, but unfortunately, dealing with a common problem for restaurants: cockroaches. We had recently conducted an inspection and noticed that the deliveries were being brought directly into the kitchen. This is convenient, yet problematic, since in a high percentage of cases, cockroaches can be found in incoming shipments, and this was the case for this customer. We recommended highly that all deliveries be opened and thoroughly inspected outside before they come into the restaurant. Because the chef had seen cockroaches, we did a full perimeter spray around the kitchen and equipment. We used a micro injector to rid the deep crack and crevice areas of any cockroached, where traditional bait and sprays cannot reach. With these this treatment protocol, the restaurant should experience far less infestations.Cockroaches in Highlands, NJ