Previously, we treated this restaurant in Englishtown, NJ for German cockroaches and we're back for a follow up visit to check on the activity. Before we had treated the building, the infestation was horrible. Almost every single area of the kitchen, sitting room, and trash room were overflowing with German cockroaches. So when we checked on our monitoring devices, we were happy to see that a large amount of the German cockroaches had been exterminated, but there was still a hefty amount of German cockroaches infesting the building. After the staff had removed all the items out of the kitchen and disposed of any contaminated items, we treated all the infested areas with a residual application that's combined with an EPA registered insect growth regulator. This treatment affects the cockroaches' reproductive system and prevents them from reaching adulthood. After that, we treated the main harborage areas with a knockdown aerosol product. This is going to flush the cockroaches out of hiding and rapidly exterminate them. Lastly, we replaced every single one of the monitoring devices and then scheduled some additional return inspections. We will continue to monitor the cockroach infestation and apply any additional treatments until the German cockroaches are no longer infesting the restaurant.German Cockroaches Still Infesting Restaurant in Englishtown, NJ