A woodpecker was not only disturbing this customer with its constant pecking, but also inflicting severe damage to the home! After noticing the three holes at the top of the property made by the woodpecker, this homeowner in Woodbridge, NJ, immediately called Little Rascals for help. First, we installed several Intimidator bird flashers around the exterior of the home. The Intimidator reflects the suns rays as the wind spins it around and gives off Ultra Violet "flashes" (ultra violet is a color that birds can see but humans can not). The woodpeckers will relate the UV flashes as a danger and stay away. This is a humane and effective visual deterrent to prevent the woodpeckers from causing any further damage to the home. Once that was completed, we stuffed each one of the holes made by the woodpecker with stainless steel mesh, sealed them with waterproof adhesive, and installed metal flashing over the holes. We had offered to paint over the metal flashing so that it blends in better with the home, but the owner was planning on repainting his property anyway and wanted to do that on his own.Keeping the Woodpeckers Away & Fixing the Damage They've Done in Woodbridge, NJ