This homeowner in Bradley Beach, NJ, had a massive infestation of Indian meal moths in her kitchen. Turns out that the root of the infestation was the open bag of dog food found in the corner of the kitchen. This led the Indian meal moths to infest perishable products in the pantry, the dog food, and the bars of Christmas chocolate! Sadly, these items weren't salvageable and with the owners permission, we properly disposed of all the contaminated products. Before we began our treatment, we informed the owner that storing all perishable food items, as well as pet food, inside a sturdy container will prevent any future Indian meal moth infestation. First, we vacuumed up all the Indian meal moths throughout the crevices and cracks of the kitchen and the food pantries. Afterward, we treated the infestation areas with a liquid non-repellant. This application will rapidly eliminate the Indian meal moths as well as prevent them from reinfesting the treated areas. Next, we installed several pheromone traps to catch the adult Indian meal moths that were flying around. These devices have a unique pheromone in them that lures the Indian meal moths to their demise. Lastly, we scheduled several follow-up visits to replenish the pheromone traps and to monitor the infestation until the Indian meal moths are gone for good.Indian Meal Moths Love Dog Food in Bradley Beach, NJ