This tenant in Red Bank, NJ had an intense infestation of cockroaches throughout her kitchen and dining room. Cockroaches are carriers of filth and disease, and can spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, 6 kinds of parasitic worms, and 7 other kinds of human pathogens. The germs are carried on the spines of their legs and on their bodies. They can then deposit these maladies on places like your kitchen counter or on the plates in your cabinet! For treatment, we applied a residual application that is combined with an EPA registered growth regulator to all the harborage areas throughout the kitchen and dining room. This treatment affects the cockroaches' reproductive system and prevents them from reaching adulthood. Afterward, we applied a knockdown flushing product every single crack, crevice, and baseboard throughout the infested areas. This product flushes the cockroaches out of hiding, into the growth regulator, and rapidly exterminates them. Once we finished, we placed several monitoring devices throughout the apartment and scheduled several follow-up visits to monitor the infestation and, if needed, apply any additional treatments.A Cockroach Clean Out for Tennant in Red Bank, NJ