As this client in Freehold, NJ was cleaning off his back porch, he was suddenly sprayed by a skunk that was harboring underneath the porch! After several tomato baths and showers, the owner reached out to our Little Rascals Nuisance Wildlife Division for help. As we inspected the area, we noticed a burrow on right side of the porch. As we, cautiously, got closer, we smelled a pungent odor emitting from the area. This was made by the skunk. Believe it or not, skunks are expert diggers. Their burrows are triangular shaped and are only big enough for them to squeeze their head through. They can actually contort the rest of their body to fit through. First, we installed Dig Defense® around the entire back porch except for skunk burrow. Afterward, we installed a heavy-duty retrieval device over the burrow and enclosed it with a portion of Dig Defense® in order to safely retrieve the skunk. We also placed a baited device nearby. Dig Defense® is a below-ground fence system that is 15 inches deep, 4 feet across, and protects structures against invasive nuisance wildlife and feral animals. Once we safely retrieve the skunk, we will relocate it to a new, humane location, fill in the burrow, and install another portion of Dig Defense® over the burrow.Stopping the Skunk from Smelling Up the Home in Freehold, NJ