As we were treating this condo in Matawan, NJ we noticed something interesting in the storage closet on the second story patio — camel crickets, and a lot of them! Similar to the animal they’re named after, camel crickets (also called cave crickets) are light to dark brown with a hump-back appearance. Many people refer to them as "sprickets" because they look like a hybrid between a spider and a cricket. Despite popular opinion, they're NOT arachnids! They have six legs including hind legs that are often as long as the rest of their body. Camel crickets aren't dangerous and their only form of defense is to leap when frightened. We treated the area with a liquid residual that not only rapidly exterminates the camel crickets, but also prevents them from reinfesting the area. We also treated the entire exterior with another liquid residual and applied a granular bait to the landscape areas.Camel Crickets Take Over Closet in Matawan, NJ