As this homeowner in Metuchen, NJ was mowing his backyard, he was suddenly attacked by a number of bald-faced hornets. He quickly ran inside and called Cowleys for help. When we arrived, we equipped our protective bee suit and began to inspect the backyard. Shortly after, we found the bald-faced hornets nest in a branch about 20 feet from the ground! We grabbed our extendable pole, attached a knockdown aerosol application to it, and liberally treated the nest. We then equipped a knockdown liquid product to the extendable pole and again treated the nest. Both of these treatments will rapidly exterminate the bald-faced hornets. Once they were eliminated we removed the nest, and the branch it was attached to, and disposed of them properly. Attacked by Bald-Faced Hornets While Mowing the Lawn in Metuchen, NJ