An Operations Manager of a business in Beachwood, NJ spotted a few cockroaches in one of his storage rooms and immediately called our office for help. When we arrived and started inspecting, we found quite a few of them roaming the storage room and the garbage room. Cockroaches are primarily nocturnal insects. If you notice a number of them crawling around your home or business during the day, that means that you have a large infestation of them, which was exactly the case here! Although we did find them throughout the storage room, there was one area in particular that stood out to us; a gap in one of the wooden shelves. At first look, it seemed to be filled with feces from the cockroaches, but as we got closer, we noticed that it was filled with feces and cockroaches! First, we treated the baseboards, cracks, and crevices of the storage and garbage room with an EPA registered growth regulator that affects the cockroaches' reproductive system and prevents them from reaching adulthood. This treatment will knock down the cockroach population to a manageable level. Next, we used a microinjection machine that sprays a very fine mist of an oil-based product into the cracks and crevices where the cockroaches may be hiding. This product chases the cockroaches out of hiding and forces them to the areas that were treated with the growth regulator. Afterward, we applied a gel bait in the gap in the wooden beams and along the shelves. Once the German cockroaches feed on the gel bait, a short while later, they will be exterminated. Lastly, we installed several glue monitor traps and scheduled several follow-up visits to monitor the infestation and apply any additional treatments if needed.Cockroaches Found in a Gap in the Wood in Beachwood, NJ