As this homeowner in Island Heights, NJ was sweeping her back porch, she heard some odd "buzzing" sounds behind her. When she turned around to examine the noise, she spotted an active yellow jackets. She then quickly ran inside and called our office for help. When we arrived, we equipped our protective bee suit (to protect ourselves from getting stung) and began inspecting. In a matter of minutes, we spotted the nest in the top left corner of the back door. Yellow jackets are predatory social wasps that have a black and yellow color pattern banded across their abdomens. They are known for their short, aggressive nature and painful stings. They are over 16 different species of yellow jackets and, depending on the species, the queen will pick either an underground or aerial site to build her nest. Yellow jackets are able to sense vibrations in their ground and once something comes close to their nest, the guards will emerge and begin defending it. For treatment, we applied a knockdown liquid application to the nest. This product will exterminate the yellow jackets almost immediately. After several moments have passed, we removed the nest, disposed of it properly, and applied a residual application to the area to prevent any future yellow jackets from rebuilding their nest. Yellow Jackets Setting Up by the Back Door in Island Heights, NJ