After finding rodent droppings in his laundry room, this homeowner in Pine Beach, NJ, called Cowleys for help. As we inspected the laundry room, we found the rodent droppings and identified them as rat feces. We also noticed that there was a golfball sized hole in the wall behind the bench. Apparently, one of the homeowners children accidentally kicked a hole in the wall and never told anyone! The homeowner mentioned that he will fix that hole later that evening. As we began examining the exterior of the home, we noticed several rat burrows along the back steps and porch. Rats create these burrows to travel from their nest to a food source and to escape predators. Rat burrows usually contain a main entrance and 1 or 2 exit holes away from the main entrance. First, we carefully cleaned up the rat droppings and installed several Ready to Use rodent bait stations in the laundry room. Next, we went outside and installed several rodent bait station near the burrows. Afterward, we installed several snap traps that are inside temper-proof, child resistant boxes near the burrows. Lastly, we scheduled several follow-up visits to replenish the bait stations as needed and monitor the rat infestation.Rat Burrowing Along the Back Steps in Pine Beach, NJ