A new customer in Martinsville, NJ called our office after noticing an increase in mosquitoes around her home. Before beginning our treatment, we inspected the property to determine what helped contribute to the uptick in the mosquito population. Minutes into our inspection, we found it! There were three covered lawn furnitures holding standing water. All mosquitoes need to breed and thrive is a 1/2 an inch of standing water. It's imperative to continually remove anything around your home that holds standing water. First, we emptied the water on the three chairs. Doing this will immediately eliminate the mosquito larvae. Next, we applied an adulticide and an insect growth regulator treatment to all the non-flowering vegetation areas around the home to target the adult mosquitoes. Once the treated areas dry, the treatment will knock down and exterminate any adult mosquitoes. This product is actually a 2-for-1 treatment as it eliminates ticks as well! Additionally, this treatment has polymer technology that repels rain so it'll last months. Now the family can enjoy playing outside their home without worrying about getting pestered by mosquitoes or ticks!Lawn Furniture Contributing to Mosquito Problem in Martinsville, NJ