While servicing a home in Warren, NJ, we came across a trail of ants on the left side of the property. We took a closer look and noticed that the grass was overgrown and growing underneath the siding. Tallgrass and overgrown plants provide ants with a place to hide. Not to mention, overgrown grass can attract mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and rodents! We did manage to follow the ants' trail to their nest, which was located in a shrub that was about 20 feet from the home. First, we treated the shrub and the landscape with a granular bait. Next, we treated the entire exterior of the home with a liquid residual. The ants will come in contact with either of these applications, return to their nest, and transfer the treatments among their colony. A short while later, the ants are exterminated. Once we finished treatment we spoke to the homeowner, showed him the overgrown grass, and mentioned that it needs to be trimmed ASAP. The owner agreed and contacted a local landscaper. Overgrown Grass Attracting Ants in Warren, NJ