We were sent out to a home in Rumson, NJ to handle a bald-faced hornets issue. Bald-faced hornets are social stinging insects that have white markings on their face. They are EXTREMELY aggressive and will not hesitate to sting anything that invades their space. Their stings carry venom that makes the stings hurt, itch, and swell for about 24 hours. What makes them even scarier is they have smooth stingers, which means they can sting over and over again, can actually sense vibrations in the air, and remember their invader's face! After observing the nest in a tree in the backyard, we walked around to the front of the home and discovered another nest right on the soffit by a bedroom window! It's amazing that no one was stung by these aggressive insects! We put on our protective bee suits and treated both nests with a knockdown aerosol product and then a knockdown dusting application. Both of these treatments will rapidly exterminate the bald-faced hornets. After a majority of the hornets were eliminated, we removed each nest and disposed of them properly. Lastly, we treated the soffit area with a residual application that'll prevent any remaining and future stinging insects from rebuilding a nest. Double Trouble with Bald-Faced Hornets Nest in Rumson, NJ