Now that the cold weather is here, mice will be looking for someplace warm to take shelter in and your home, especially your attic, is the perfect location as this homeowner in Barnegat Light, NJ found out! As we began inspecting the attic area we found several mice tunnels throughout the insulation. Mice harboring in your attic present several safety and health threats to you and your family. They can spread diseases, such as Hantavirus, to your family and pets and chew on electrical wires, potentially causing a fire hazard. We installed several rodent bait stations throughout the attic as well as several exterior rodent bait stations around the property. We also stuffed any potential gaps in and around the home with stainless steel mesh and sealed them with a waterproof, premium adhesive. We will return for several follow-up visits to monitor the infestation, replenish the bait stations as needed, and, once all the mice are gone, disinfect the attic area. Mice Tunneling Through Homeowners Attic in Barnegat Light, NJ