This homeowner in Colts Neck, NJ noticed that her child's playset was being overrun by a large number of bees, so she called our office for help and we were sent out to inspect and treat. When we arrived and inspected, we identified these pests as carpenter bees, which are wood-destroying insects that drill 1/2 circular holes into wooden structures. As we got closer, we noticed another wood-destroying pest attacking the playset — a woodpecker! The woodpecker was boring into the playset to eat the carpenter bee larvae. First, we injected a liquid residual application directly into each drill hole. As the carpenter bees enter and exit their galleries, they'll come in contact with this treatment and are rapidly eliminated. Additionally, the residual will prevent future carpenter bee infestations. To prevent the woodpeckers from damaging the playset we installed several "Intimidator" bird flashers. The Intimidator is a professional-grade avian deterrent that uses motion and bright flashing to scare away woodpeckers and other birds from unwanted areas. The Intimidator is lightweight and needs very little air current to create a dynamic visual effect that frightens birds. Once the carpenter bees are eliminated we will return to fill in the drill holes with a wood filler. Woodpeckers and Carpenter Bees Attack Playset in Colts Neck, NJ