After being shut down for quite some time due to the pandemic, this business in Bradly Beach, NJ, decided it was time to reopen, but wanted Cowleys to inspect and treat for any pest issues before their grand reopening. During our inspection, we noticed one particular floor drain that looked like it had "stains" in it. As we got closer, we quickly realized that those stains were actually fruit flies! We also noticed that the floor drain was raised and there was a gap around it. When we took a closer look, we were greeted by several cockroaches! Both the gap and the drain had a buildup of organic debris and muck, due to the fact that no one had cleaned it out since the business closed its doors. Looks like while the owner and staff were away, these pests took full advantage of the abandoned business! We told the owner what we found and advised him that the gap around the drain needs to be fixed immediately in order to prevent future infestations. We were happy to hear that he agreed and contacted his contractor to fix it. In the meantime, we focused on the cockroaches. Using our fogger, we treated the area with a fogging application combined with a growth regulator. This treatment will reduce the cockroaches' ability to reproduce and eliminate them. Next, we treated all the harborage areas with a flushing agent that is designed to rapidly neutralize the cockroaches. After those treatments were finished, we turned our attention to the fruit flies. We scrubbed out this drain, as well as several other floor drains, and applied a liquid application that removes the bad bacteria from the drains. Next, we applied a bio-foam solution that will remove the organic build-up, odors, and scum in all the floor drains. Once that floor drain is repaired, the owner will be ready for a successful, pest-free grand reopening.Gap Around Floor Drain Harboring Fruit Flies and Cockroaches in Bradly Beach, NJ