While servicing one of our commercial accounts in Eatontown, NJ, we discovered an organ pipe mud dauber's nest on the exterior side of one of the condominium units. Mud daubers do not defend their nests and are typically considered nuisance pests. They are solitary wasps, meaning they do not live in colonies, and their nests are comprised of short, mud tubes that resemble pipes on a pipe organ. Mud daubers aren't aggressive, however, once they leave their nests, it can be occupied by other, more aggressive stinging insects. First, we applied a direct-contact aerosol knockdown product that'll exterminate the mud daubers almost immediately. After a short while, we carefully remove the nest and disposed of it. Next, we sealed up all potential cracks and openings around the entire exterior of the building with a premium, waterproof adhesive to prevent any pest intrusions. Mud Dauber Visiting Residents in Eatontown, NJ