During a routine service at this retail store in Brick, NJ the manager approached me and mentioned that she saw some "flying bugs" near the pet food area. I had a strong suspicion exactly what pest this was, so I immediately went to inspect. As I began taking a closer look I stirred up exactly what I suspected — Indian meal moths! Also called pantry moths, these troublesome insects are considered the most common stored-food pest in the food industry and cost food processing business thousands of dollars in discarded products. The adult female can lay approximately 400 eggs inside the food and once the eggs hatch, the larvae continue to eat and damage the food! I advised the manager to dispose of all the contained food, to which she obliged. Once the contaminated food is removed, you drastically reduce the infestation level. Once everything was removed, I applied an aerosol application on and underneath the gondola. Next, I placed several insect growth regulators, which affect the Indian meal moths reproduction rate, in the area. Finally, I set up glue monitor traps in the affected areas. In a short amount of time, the moths are eliminated.Bird Seed Attracts Indian Meal Moths in Brick, NJ